Meet Officials
All Officials must be certified by ODSL prior to the start of the season.
One Starter required for each home meet. Responsibilities include:
- Set up starter system
- Brief the timers before the meet begins.
- Announce each event, start each race, determine false starts
- Box up starter and return to storage lock up at the end of the meet. Training required and provided.
One Referee required for each meet. Responsibilities include:
- Conduct pre-meet meeting of all volunteers working on the deck; be sure there are enough workers and that they all have clip boards, pencils, stopwatches that work; be sure you agree on a signal that the head timer will use to signal that all timers are ready at the start of each heat; assign placement of stroke and turn judges to their quadrant of the pool.
- At start of each heat, determine that swimmers and timers are ready.
- Signal start of event by three short whistle blasts followed by one long blast. Raise arm and point to starter during long blast.
- Observe strokes and turns of all swimmers; Watch stoke and turn judges for any DQ signals.
- Consult with judge on any questionable calls; sign DQ slip
- Handle any protests by listening to protesting party and any judge involved; try to handle discreetly so that emotions are kept as even as possible and the flow of the meet is not unnecessarily disrupted
Chief Judge
One Referee required for each meet. The Chief Judge must be qualified as a Referee. Responsibilities include:
- May assign and supervise the activities of all stroke, turn, place and take-off judges and may report their decisions.
- May act as liaison for the judges.
Stroke and Turn Judge
Four Stroke and Turn Judges required for each meet (2 per shift). Responsibilities include:
- Assures that you have disqualification forms on clipboard.
- Observe swimmers strokes and turns in 3 lanes in half of pool closest to you to determine if they are legal
- If illegal stoke or turn is clearly observed, raise hand to signal referee
- Record violation on DQ slip and give to runner
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